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All-on-4™ Dental Implant, All-on-6™ Implants in Delhi


All-on-4™, All-on-6™ Dental Implants in Delhi

All-on-4™ Dental Implant, All-on-6™ Implants in Delhi

All on 4™ Implants with new teeth look and feel similar to natural teeth. All-on-4™ implants work like natural teeth allowing patients to eat and taste the food they like again in life. This all leads to increased self confidence in the patient and a more active lifestyle. Dental implants for conventional denture replacement means no more slipping, clicking and adhesives associated with dentures. These implants are very common in Delhi, the capital of India. This is also a dental tourism hub with many dental tourists reaching this place for dental procedures like All-on-4™, All-on-6™ Dental Implants covered under dental insurance.


Who should I contact for All-on-4™, All-on-6™ Dental Implants in Delhi?

Contact for for All-on-4™, All-on-6™ Dental Implants in Delhi

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91-84487 56216


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A dental clinic in Delhi
A dental clinic for All-on-4™ Dental Implant All-on-6™ Implants in Delhi, interior view

Where can I choose the best dentist in Delhi for All-on-4™ Dental Implant All-on-6™ Implants Delhi?

You may choose the best dental clinic or dentist in Delhi of your own choice for All-on-4™ Dental Implant All-on-6™ Implants Delhi from the list of dentists in Delhi.

Dentist doing dental procedure of All-on-4™ Dental Implant and  All-on-6™ Implants in Delhi Dental clinic

Should I choose All-on-4™ Dental Implant or All-on-6™ Dental Implant?

Basically, all four or all six dental implants are suitable for a full mouth restoration. As the name suggests, all four implants have four implants in each jaw, and all six implants have six dental implants. 

Similarities are similar; they can be used for permanent teeth or removable (overdenture) teeth. In some cases, dental surgeons must perform extensive bone grafts or other procedures, such as a sinus lift, to make dental implants. 

It used to take 6 months to 1 year for a patient to receive permanent teeth. However, thanks to advances in implantology, doctors can now provide full dental arches with a minimal number of dental implants. 

You can get permanent teeth in 3 to 4 months and temporary teeth in 3 to 4 days. These methods have less pain or swelling because there are fewer implants involved. In fact, these procedures are more economical and practical than placing many implants in each socket. 

Diagram showing comparison between All-on-4™ Dental Implant All-on-6™ Dental Implants in Delhi

Diagram showing comparison between all on 4 and al on 6 dental implants
All on 4 and all on 6 relativity diagram

Which is better, All on 4 or all on 6 implants? 

There are other differences to consider. We will understand this by understanding the difference. 

In the past, removable dentures were the only option for replacing teeth. In fact, some people suffer from digestive problems or other medical problems simply because they have few or no teeth in their mouths. 

Fortunately, we now have advanced technology and modern equipment to repair teeth and restore oral function. You must have heard about dental implants, but we should also know about its various methods.

In general, a higher number of implants is considered to have greater resistance to the implant and the jaw. 

If the number of implants is large, the chewing force can be properly and evenly distributed. 

Placing two additional implants and placing 6 implants will provide good stability with long-term benefits. But not everyone can fit six implants in one set of teeth. Bone quantity and quality will always vary from person to person. 

Sometimes the dentist needs to perform a bone graft or a direct or indirect maxillary sinus lift to place additional dental implants. 

All on 6 is ideal when surgeons find large bones of good quality. Otherwise, All on 4 is an excellent choice for those who do not want to undergo such an extensive surgical procedure.

Another difference between all on 4 and all on 6 is the cost of surgery. As we discussed, bone grafting is an additional surgical procedure when dealing with multiple implants. The cost of additional implants and other surgical procedures is not for everyone. By operating all four implants, the patient will have enough teeth to chew properly and smile well.

However, your dentist will advise and guide you as to which technique is best and easiest for you. Here we use the latest technology for surgically guided implantation procedures. In general, with these methods, the recovery period was minimal and tooth restoration was satisfactory.

What are the risks under all on 4 or all on 6 implants?

With dental implant treatments, there is a higher risk of the implant not successfully integrating to the bone for people who have diabetes, smoke or are taking bisphosphonate therapy.


What should I get all on 4 dental implant?

All on 4™ new dental implants look and feel like natural teeth. Implants for traditional denture replacements mean no more slipping, clicking and sticking with dentures. 

All-on-4™ implants act like natural teeth, allowing patients to eat and taste their favorite foods again. All this leads to increased self-confidence and a more active lifestyle.


What teeth type should I have for All-on-4™, All-on-6™ Dental Implants in Delhi?

The dentist attaches fixed metal reinforced acrylic teeth on the dental implants in the cost of All-on-4™ or All-on-6™ Dental Implants in Delhi.

Implant dentists quote Porcelain bridges or Titanium Malo bridge separately.

Sometimes it is possible to upgrade to a porcelain bridge or Titanium Malo bridge after the 6 months of the implant healing tenor.


The treatment plan is responsible for the design, number and placement of the implants. In biomechanically compromised environments, such as poor quality bone, stress on the crestal bone can be reduced by increasing the anterior-posterior spread of the implant, placing longer implants, and increasing the number of implants.

The clinical success and longevity of intraosseous implants as load-bearing abutments largely depends on the mechanical environment in which they function.

The All-on-4® concept is one such treatment that inspired us to use it in patients with completely edentulous jaws, while leaving a traditional treatment alternative to conventional dentures in short-term, long-term and retrospective studies. it's been done before.

The concern of any therapeutic alternative is the success of the prosthesis and its prosthetic perspective, which includes the principles of occlusion.


What is the All-on-4® Concept and its Restorative aspects?

In some cases, in completely edentulous patients, implant-supported prosthetics is almost impossible without complex techniques such as nerve transposition and posterior and mandibular transplantation.

The solution to this situation is the All-on-4® concept. This approach supports distal implant angulations in the absence of an arch, allowing for longer implants, improved prosthetic support with shorter overhangs, improved implant spacing, and improved bone anchorage.


 The "All-on-4®" treatment concept, developed by Paulo Malo, uses a right-angled multi-unit abutment to provide edentulous patients with full-arch restorations that can be immediately loaded with only four implants.


All-on-4™, All-on-6™ Dental Implants

Two placed vertically in the front area and two placed in the back area at an angle of 450. 

When used in the mandible, the bevel of the posterior implant provides good bony anchorage without obstructing the mental foramen of the severely resorbed maxilla, and the beveled implant is an alternative to sinus floor augmentation.

Generic Notes

• Tilted implants can break if the angle is 300 or more.

• Achieves primary implant stability (35 to 45 Ncm insertion torque).

• Defines a minimum bone width of 5 mm from maxillary canine to canine, a minimum bone height of 10 mm and a minimum bone height of 8 mm in the mandible.

• For oblique posterior implants, the distal screw entry hole should be on the occlusal surface of the first molar, second premolar or first premolar.


What is all on 4 dental implant Surgical Technique?

All-on-4 Dental Implant Surgical Technique in Phased Manner

Phase 1

Selecting the Case Satisfying the Inclusion Criteria

Phase 2

Planning Implant Placement using All-On-4® Guide (Preferred)

Phase 3

Location of Maxillary Antrum & Mental Foramen with All-On-4® Guidance

Phase 4

Implant Placement Done Following the Protocol


The maxillary implant was placed with two distal implants in the posterior region sloping anteriorly to the maxillary sinus, and the mandibular implant was placed anterior to the mental foramen. They should be placed at an angle of 30o-45o. Using the All-on-4® Surgical Guide helps ensure implant placement with proper placement, angle, and appearance. 

The guide is placed through a 2-mm osteotomy made in the maxillary or mandibular midline position, with the contour of the titanium band following the arch of the opposite arch. 

The guide also helps with retraction of the tongue in mandibular cases. 

The vertical line on the guide is used as a reference for drilling at the correct angle, which should not exceed 450. 

Other guides that can be used to place implants include molds, angled posts, and dentures


Place 170 multi-unit straight abutments and 30o angles with different collar heights on the implant. They are used to achieve correct access, allowing relative parallelism, allowing passive placement of hard prostheses.



Stress patterns around distally inclined implants in the configuration of All-on-4® concept?

One study analyzed photoelastic deformation patterns around distal implants placed at 00, 150, 300, and 450. There was no significant difference in load magnitude between implant models placed at 0, 15, and 30 degrees. But the load pattern of the 45o angle implant increased. Inclined abutment

In general, the stress and strain amplitudes of angled abutments are within or slightly above physiological limits.

The use of angled abutments for two inclined implants placed in the convex arch and transverse arch rails can help reduce stress around the distal implant. stress healing bone

Healing bone is more prone to overuse and fracture than normal bone.

Occlusal loading immediately after implantation may be sufficient to cause microdamage in the bone surrounding the implant, even after the bone has healed and adapted to the implant, the same load does not cause such damage.

 The All-on-4® concept facilitates immediate loading. A slight stress on the healing bone will shorten the healing time, not increase it. Directly loaded implants osseointegrate while forces and implant micromotion are controlled.



What is Maxillary Edentulous Success Rate?

In a retrospective clinical study of 242 patients with 968 immediately placed, implant-supported fixed full-arch maxillary full acrylic restorations, patient survival was as high as 93% at 5-year follow-up, and survival at the implant level. was as high as 93% Survival rate is as high as 98%.

Recent studies have encouraged the use of the All-on-4® concept, emphasizing that bone quality, implant length, patient habits, and expected cantilever length should be considered when planning fixed restorations of missing maxillary teeth with four implants.


Comparison of beveled and non-beveled implants

If the implant is part of a multi-implant supported prosthesis, the spreading of the implant and the stiffness of the prosthesis will reduce the bending of the implant. 

The more distal position of the posterior implant and the resulting shorter cantilever can reduce the stress value of the implant.

Krekmanov's strain gage measurements showed no significant difference in forces and bending moments between angled and non-angled implants.

Theoretical models suggest that the increased prosthetic base reduces the forces acting on the implant due to its tilting. Therefore, from a biological point of view, the position of the implant neck may be more important than the inclination of the implant itself.

Bevilacqua et al demonstrated that an FFP mid-distal implant tilt of 30° reduced stress levels in compact and cancellous bone by 52% and 47.6%, respectively, compared to vertical implants supporting FFP with longer cantilevers.

Cantilever loading on the prosthesis can cause articulation effects that place significant stress on the implant closest to the load.

If the length of the FFP distal cantilever is too long, deformation of the frame can cause fracture of the repair screws, acrylic teeth, and even the frame itself. 

Compared to cantilevered axial implants, angulated cantilevered implants have less stress, and the reduction in stress from the prostheses may contribute to a reduction in FFP compared to FFP with maintenance issues with traditional implant configurations.

When vertical loading is applied to the first premolar with inclined implants, the two adjacent implants mostly share the load because the prosthesis is loaded between the mesial and distal implants and the load is distributed through the prosthesis to the two supporting the implant, there was no overload or bending in the inclined implant configuration. Implant stress patterns in prostheses supported by four or six implants

A long-term study found no significant difference in implant survival compared with full maxillary restorations supported by four or six implants.

The stress location and distribution patterns were very similar in the four and six implant models.

The cantilever should be reduced because its presence significantly increases the pressure on the distal implant, regardless of whether the prosthesis is supported by four or six implants.



What is Immediate Suction Plug Insertion?

Bonding of implants can provide more secure load transfer to each implant, so placement in healed or freshly extracted bone targets may not affect implant survival in completely edentulous mandibular restorations.

From a surgical point of view, the most notable are careful preparation of the implant site (including tapping), use of implants that produce relatively low torque, preparation of the skeleton to align the alveolar framework and create an optimal implant site, and ensure an adequate implant site.

From a prosthetic perspective, the high success rates achieved with this protocol, including minimal bone loss for immediate function even after multiple extractions and bone reduction, are believed to be due to:

• Immediately after surgery, all four implants were firmly fixed with temporary brackets

• Carefully adjust the bite to ensure a bilateral bite in the canine and first premolar areas

• Avoid occlusive contact with the distal end of the prosthesis and maximize the anterior-posterior direction

Anterior and posterior diffusion that minimizes the distal cantilever and provides well-distributed four-point stability can contribute to the success of implants and prostheses.

Immediate implant loading and function extraction in the environment can be performed with high confidence.


What are A-P-spread and cantilever values?

A-P spread


10 mm for a cantilever of 20 mm (2xA-P-spread) for mandibular ISFPs


ISFPs should be 1.5 folds A-P-spread for mandible maxillary ISFP posterior cantilever should be minimized to 6-8mm due low bone density


Diagram showing G A-P-spread


Rangert provides simple guidelines for managing occlusal loading for implant and prosthetic reconstructions - a 10mm A-P spread (spread between the most anterior and posterior implants) is recommended for a 20mm cantilever (2xA-P spread) for mandibular ISFP. Interestingly, there is a very sensible rule suggested in English. of the thumb to determine the posterior cantilever of the mandibular ISFP would be 1.5 times the A-P spread.

According to English, this would allow for a 10-12mm posterior mandibular cantilever, while the maxillary ISFP posterior cantilever needs to be reduced to 6-8mm due to low bone density. 

Open pallets -multi -the impression of the unit is placed on a multidisciplinary base platform and then glued it together with automatic polymerization resin with low contraction (GC model resin) and electric pole.

This can provide accurate transfer without unexpectedly moving the impression. Open tray impressions are made of a rigid polyethylene siloxane material (3M ESPE Imprint Putty) to fix the implant and soft tissue positions.



Table showing Prosthetic in phased manner

Phase 1

Making open tray impression with wire and GC resin splinting for improved accuracy

Phase 2

Final impressions after integration is verification, being splinted with GC resin and metal

Phase 3

All ceramic Zirconia bridge designing with CAD/CAM technology

Phase 4

Using CAD/CAM zirconia bridge or Titanium framework milled for crown cementation

Phase 5

Crowns luted to zirconia framework

Phase 6

Implant-supported zirconia bridge framework with individual crowns luting


A temporary acrylic prosthesis is then constructed and distributed to patients within a few hours or overnight. 

Image showing Acrylic prosthesis
Acrylic prosthesis

The torque of the temporary prosthesis is 15 Ncm. Patients were reviewed at one week, three weeks, three months, and annually thereafter. 

Construction of the final bridge can begin as part of the three-month contract. The final solution can be:

1. CAD/CAM developed fixed prosthesis with a zirconium or titanium frame. A single crown is attached to the final bridge framework. 

2. Fixed prosthesis with CAD/CAM designed titanium or zirconium frame with acrylic finish. 

3. The prosthesis is fixed with cast metal and veneered porcelain. 4. Removable final prostheses: e.g. overdentures, MK1 assembled prosthetics.

Body frame comparison

The first patient with an attached complete denture was supplied with a Cr-Co alloy framework with resin teeth. 

The protocol was modified over time and gold alloy casting was introduced to provide a more stable metal occlusion and allow the framework to use porcelain veneers, but in cases of severe bone resorption, large amounts of gold alloy must be cast.

To avoid casting problems, some non-casting techniques were introduced, such as pre-machined gold alloy cylinders/rods and laser-welded titanium frames. A new protocol based on the milling of solid titanium blocks using computer numerical control was recently developed and does not have the technical challenges associated with previous methods.

Showing dentist doing all on 4 procedure in a Delhi clinic

Occlusal Surface

Many implant failures can be attributed to improper occlusal design, which causes stress concentration in the bone and causes rapid bone resorption. 

The goal of any revision surgery should include the creation of a functional occlusion. 

What are the basic requirements for the occlusion plane of the superstructure of implant prostheses?

The basic requirements for the occlusion plane of the superstructure of implant prostheses are:

1. Establish a stable mandibular relationship with maximum interdental contact bilaterally

2. Determine "central clearance" in the overall occlusal pattern

3. Eliminates any interference between the maximum end-to-end contact positions and the opposite contact positions

4. Ensures harmonious, free jaw movement and easy tooth contact in lateral and forward movements. 

An instant load bite solution for the All-on-4 concept

Avoid or reduce the length of the console. Simultaneous bilateral point contact was performed on all teeth except the teeth further from the implant appearance. 

In lateral movement, the group member or guide has a flat linear path and minimal vertical stacking except for the teeth in the cantilever. In addition, the guide is distributed over all incisors, including canines, with a flat linear path and minimal vertical stacking. 

Although an implant-supported restoration is the opposite of a removable full denture, balance contact must be avoided during movement. 

Occlusal solutions for All-on-4 deterministic restorations 

Simultaneous bilateral point contact was made on the canines and posterior teeth, and predatory contact was made on the incisors. 

Occlusal solutions

In lateral movements, the canine was opposite to the natural tooth and the group function was opposite to the posterior implant-supported bridge with a flat linear canal and minimal vertical stacking. 

If implant-supported restorations resist removal, complete dentures or implant-supported overdentures or distally extended partial dentures will easily free the most distal teeth and seek one or more balances in displacement motion. 

Communicate, plan incisors with more front and back space. 

The occlusal pattern should have relatively flat tips, that is, the slope of the tip plane should be less than the slope of the condylar path. 

• Complete prostheses against the All-on-4® concept

• Overdentures versus the All-on-4® concept

• Precise accessories unlike the All-on-4® concept

• Partial prostheses are designed against the All-on-4® concept

• Distal teeth are not occluded

• Balanced contacts

• Plan for a larger anterior-posterior gap at the incisors

Because the distal cantilever teeth are less stressed, the anterior surfaces of the incisors and canines are expected to increase wear over time, preventing premature or dysfunctional lateral contact with the distal cantilever.

What are the benefits of the All-on-4® concept?

• Beveled posterior implant eliminates anatomy

• Beveled posterior implants allow longer implants to be anchored in better quality bone

• Reduced rear overhang

• Bone grafts for maxillary and mandibular odontoids are eliminated in most cases

• High success rate

• Well placed implants, good biomechanics and easier cleaning

• Immediate functionality and aesthetics

• Final restorations can be attached or removed

• Cost reduction due to reduced number of implants and avoidance of transplantation in most cases. restriction

• good general health and acceptable oral hygiene;

• Sufficient bone volume to accommodate 4 implants of at least 10 mm length and

• Implants gain sufficient stability to function immediately. lack of

• As the implant is inserted only by the prosthesis, it is not always possible to insert the implant with a free hand, arbitrarily.

• The length of the prosthesis console must not exceed the limit.

• It is very sensitive to technology and requires careful pre-operative preparation like CAD/CAM, surgical splint.

The length of the console in the prosthesis must not exceed the limit.


 The term All-on-4, also known as All-on-Four and All-in-Four, refers to “all” teeth supported by “four” dental implants, one tooth), or those with severely damaged teeth , cavities, or damaged teeth due to gum disease.

It involves restoring the edentulous or edentulous maxilla and/or mandible with a fixed prosthesis by placing four implants in the premaxilla with higher bone density.

Four implants support a fixed restoration with 10 to 14 teeth and are usually placed immediately within 24 hours of surgery.

The All-On-Bar solution uses the latest technologies, developed computerized design/milling (cad/cam), all-on-4, including the All-on-bar concept. It adds a ground titanium rod structure to dental implants that helps them work together.


How can the implant be protected from failure even after the hybrid bridge breaks? 

This concept helps clinicians provide better, more durable solutions than remodeling prostheses, which are chair restorations and modified prostheses.

The All-On-Bar reduces appointment times, eliminates temporary denture remodeling by replacing dentures with durable hybrids, and some patients keep this option as a last resort due to tighter budgets or limited space for other definitive solutions.

Pmma or prostheses on titanium rods wear out over time and need to be replaced, which is a controversial topic because Pmma has the advantage of peeling and resorption. This helps the implant to experience less stress from the force of chewing, but maintains a rigid structure inside. 

Many marchers thought this was a better solution, bearing in mind that the bridge could be replaced with a new one in a few years.

Implant manufacturer Nobel Biocare AB in Gothenburg, Sweden, has pioneered the All-on-4 technology as a potentially effective and cost-effective alternative to traditional implant technology, and has funded Portuguese dentist Paulo Malo's research to develop it. method.

During this time, the technique was also used by other clinicians around the world. All-on-4 is not an invention, but a therapeutic technique that has evolved over time with the following features:

• Four dental implants to support a full fixed bridge (allowed since 1977)

• Use of angled implants in the back to overcome bony defects or anatomy (documented since 1990)

• Instant loading (recorded since 1990)


The All-on-4 treatment concept is a restorative procedure (i.e., replacement of missing teeth) that provides permanent, screw-in, same-day replacement of all upper and lower teeth using a bridge or denture.

This procedure is best for patients with severe tooth loss or cavities, as well as people who have lost bone in the jaw area that prevents them from receiving regular directional (vertical) dental implants.

Often, tooth loss accompanies jawbone loss, causing problems with jaw reconstruction that requires bone grafting.

The All-on-4 technique takes advantage of the dense bone preserved in the front of the jaw and places the two posterior implants at an angle to avoid the sinus cavities in the maxilla and the nerve canals in the mandible.


What is the general cost of All on 4 implant procedure?

The price of the All on 4 procedure varies depending on the final repair material. Acrylic teeth on titanium bars are much less expensive, so the total price for a dental arch/jaw in the US is about $30,000.

A high-quality restorative material such as zirconia can result in a total treatment cost of $36,000 to $40,000 each. arch/jaw US.

Successful implementation requires a thorough analysis of the skeletal structure. The best way to evaluate the bone is with a cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) scan.

The All-on-4 protocol is used to place at least four implants in the jawbone. Dorsal implants are usually angled approximately 30 to 45 degrees from occlusion (plane of occlusion).

Implants are placed in front of the maxillary sinus in the upper jaw (maxilla) and in front of the mental nerve in the lower jaw (mandibular).

The implant head appears at approximately the position of the second premolar. This will allow the molars to protrude back and create a denture or bridge with about a dozen teeth.


All-On-6 Dental Implant Treatment in Delhi, India:

What is an All-on-6 dental implant?

All-on-6 is a dental treatment used to rebuild the mouth when a person has lost a large number of teeth in one or both jawbones. This process allows individuals to choose to replace all their teeth with six natural looking and feeling dental implants. 

All on 6 implant diagram
All on 6 implant

All-on-6 implants generally do not require bone grafting, making them an ideal solution for patients with low jaw bone density or volume.


What are the Advantages of All-on-6?

The advantages of All-on-6 implants are:

  • Pearly white smile
  • Speedy recovery
  • Enjoy eating and talking again
  • No removable dentures are required

What time does all on 6 implant takes place?

The whole process can be completed in just one day, usually 2-4 hours

What is the Cost of All-in-6 dental implants in the USA?

In 2022, the average price of an All-on-6 in the United States was between $22,000 and $32,000. This price includes all pre-operative exams, including a cone CT scan, the first All-on-6 set and the last All-on-6 set.

Dentists in Delhi, India starts the same procedure with imported implant systems like Noble Biocare or Straumann or Osstem implants for $3,000 to $5,500 per jaw.


What should I do Before the All on 4 or All on 6 procedure?

Although the all-on-six surgery does not usually require a bone graft, it may be necessary depending on the person's bone density.

No two mouths are the same, so it is important that your dentist thoroughly evaluates your mouth before starting surgery. During the process:

Dental implants are inserted into the jawbone using local anesthesia.

Temporary prostheses can then be attached to the implants as they heal.

After the implant has healed, a permanent solution such as a bridge or removable prosthesis will be attached to the implant.

What should I do after the All on 4 or All on 6 procedure?

Postoperative care
During the first 3 months after surgery, the mouth heals and the bones and gums change shape to accommodate the new appliance.

During this time, patients should be careful not to eat solid or very solid foods for possible discomfort

Patients should experience discomfort and swelling after surgery. For most patients, the most unpleasant sensations subside after a week.


It is Important to Visit the dentist regularly
After surgery, patients must visit the dentist often, especially in the first 3 months. To prevent any complications or infections, 
it's important to contact your dentist immediately if something doesn't seem right.

Once the dental implant is stable and there is no more discomfort or pain, the number of visits to the dentist will decrease significantly.



Various studies of rehabilitation concepts and practices have transformed the All-on-4® and all on 6 treatment regimen from skeptical to predictable with a commendable success rate.

When deciding on alternative treatment options for edentulous jaws, one must consider the long-term results of this technique and the many advantages of immediate loading, reduced morbidity, high patient satisfaction, and relatively low cost.

The All-on-4 treatment concept offers a predictable approach to the treatment of atrophic jaws for patients who do not want regenerative surgery, which increases morbidity and treatment costs.

The results obtained showed a 99.8% survival rate within 24 months. However, current evidence is limited due to lack of information on methodological quality, inadequate testing and loss of samples.

After a mean follow-up of two years, a minority of patients reported biological complications (eg, peri-implantitis). Because the incidence of peri-implant disease is high, success/survival criteria need to be fully defined.


Author's Bio

Name: Mary Shah

Educational Qualification: BDS, MDS

Profession: Dentist

Experience: 12 Years of Work Experience as a Dental Surgeon

Specializes in: Dental Implants, RCT, Tooth Extraction, Teeth Alignment, Toothache treatment




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