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Glutathione Uses n Side Effects

  Glutathione Uses and Side Effects   What is Glutathione? Glutathione is a substance made from the amino acids glycine, cysteine and glutamic acid. It is produced by your liver and involved in many body processes. Glutathione is involved in tissue building and repair, making chemicals and proteins needed in the body, and in immune system function. What are the Different Name of Glutathione? Gamma-Glutamylcysteinylglycine Gamma-L-Glutamyl-L-Cysteinylglycine Gamma-L-Glutamyl-L-Cystéinylglycine Glutathion, Glutatión L-Gamma-Glutamyl-L-Cysteinyl-Glycine   L-Gamma-Glutamyl-L-Cystéinyl-Glycine L-Glutathion L-Glutathione GSH N-(N-L-gamma-Glutamyl-L-cysteinyl)glycine       Why should I take Glutathione? There are few good uses of Glutathione. People take glutathione for aging, alcohol use disorder, liver disease, heart disease, and many other conditions, but there is no good scientific evidence to support these

Heart Mitral Regurgitation Disease Causes and Treatment

What is heart mitral regurgitation? Is it serious?

Core Tip: Cardiac mitral regurgitation is a high-risk disease in the Department of Internal Medicine. The incidence of this disease is relatively high today. After the disease, it has a great impact on the patient's daily life and health. The incidence of mitral regurgitation of the heart is relatively wide, and the incidence of females is generally higher than that of males. People need to pay close attention to these diseases.

What is Rheumatic and Non Rheumatic Heart Mitral Regurgitation Disease?

Suffering from mitral regurgitation of the heart is more serious, and its severity is reflected in the complex causes and symptoms of the disease. It is medically believed that the most common cause of cardiac mitral regurgitation is rheumatic fever.

Other causes include congenital dysplasia, ruptured tendon, or infective endocarditis accompanied by leaflet perforation.

The pathogenesis of cardiac mitral regurgitation is relatively slow. Due to the increased left atrial pressure of the patient after the disease, the patient's breathing will become rapid. 

With the continuous development of the patient's condition, the patient still has Will lose or lack the ability to move, this is very dangerous.

Severely ill patients with cardiac mitral regurgitation may experience paroxysmal dyspnea at night, and even symptoms such as hemoptysis and pulmonary edema. 

Atrial fibrillation may also occur with cardiac mitral regurgitation, which shows the severity of the disease.

When you find that you have mitral regurgitation of the heart, you must pay attention to it, and you should go to the doctor for a physical examination in a timely manner. 

How to Diagnose Heart Mitral Regurgitation?

At present, there are methods for examining cardiac mitral regurgitation including ultrasound probe examination, cardiac CT examination, magnetic resonance examination, and imaging examination.
Diagnosis of the disease requires detailed inquiry of the patient's history.

If you are diagnosed with mitral regurgitation of the heart, you need to be actively treated. The most common method of treating the disease is replacement. 

The advantage of this treatment method is that it is easy to operate, and the disadvantage is that it can cause dysfunction of contraction. 

Some patients with mitral regurgitation of the heart can choose repair surgery for treatment, no matter which treatment method is selected, they need to actively cooperate with the doctor.

Patients with mitral regurgitation of the heart have the most important life in their daily lives. They must ensure adequate rest. They must ensure adequate sleep time and do not stay up late. 

You need to maintain a peaceful attitude at all times. Don’t hurry up, face life optimistically, and have confidence in the treatment of diseases. Do not engage in too vigorous physical exercise, let alone engage in heavy physical labor, so as to help patients recover.
Symbolic representation of Heart Mitral Regurgitation

What is going on with mitral regurgitation? How to treat mitral regurgitation?

Treatment of Heart Mitral Regurgitation: Many patients report going to the hospital for examination, and the color Doppler ultrasound report shows that mitral valve regurgitation. What is going on in the heart? How to treat mitral regurgitation?

1. What is the heart mitral regurgitation?

Mitral regurgitation, also known as mitral regurgitation, is not complete.

We know that the heart has four chambers, the left and right atria, and the left side is the main one. There is a door between the atrium and the ventricle. Through this door, blood can flow. Normally, during the diastolic phase of the heart (ventricular), blood flows from the atrium to the ventricle.
 During systole, the door closes and no blood flows. The design of this one-way valve is similar to the pumping pump. 

Through the heart's one-shot contraction, the blood continuously flows from the atrium to the ventricle, ensuring our normal blood circulation. The door between the left atrium and the ventricle is called the mitral valve.

The mitral valve, as the name implies, has two pointed valves, some of which are similar to our lips and can be opened or closed. When blood flows during diastole, it is similar to we exhale outward, and during systole, it is similar to walking with cold wind and closing our mouth to prevent cold wind from entering.

Normally, there is no blood flow back to the left atrium during systole. For various reasons, blood flows back from the left ventricle to the left atrium during systole, which is called mitral regurgitation.

2. What is the cause of mitral regurgitation?

There are many reasons for valve regurgitation, such as valve prolapse, valve sclerosis in the elderly, rheumatic valvular disease in young people and young people, infectious inflammation of the valve, and enlarged heart.

Acute mitral regurgitation immediately causes an increase in left atrial pressure and shortness of breath. Chronic mitral regurgitation only increases the left atrial pressure moderately. Fatigue and loss of mobility are the main symptoms.

Acute ischemic mitral regurgitation can occur during the onset of acute myocardial infarction, or when ventricular remodeling occurs after myocardial infarction, causing papillary muscle displacement and valve annulus expansion. In other cases of acute mitral regurgitation, pulmonary edema with a normal-sized heart is more common.

3. How to treat mitral regurgitation?

Treatment of Heart Mitral Regurgitation: For those with mild mitral regurgitation, asymptomatic or mild symptoms, don't worry too much. 
If there is no other discomfort, generally no treatment is needed, and you can work and live normally, but regular inspections are needed to prevent the condition from getting worse.

To understand the regurgitation of the mitral and tricuspid valves, we should start with the structure and function of the valve.

The mitral valve and the tricuspid valve are two automated valve doors in the left atrium, left ventricle and right atrium, and right ventricle of the human heart. 
When the heart relaxes, the valve opens and the blood flows from the atrium to the ventricle.

After the ventricle is filled, it contracts and the valve closes tightly. The blood pumped by the ventricle enters the large and small circulation (also called the body and lung circulation) through the large blood vessels.

In theory, the closing of the valve should be seamless, and there should be no blood flow back to the atrium when the ventricle is closed. 

However, due to the continuous advancement of ultrasound equipment, it has been found that the regurgitation of the mitral and tricuspid valve, especially mild regurgitation, is quite common.

The cause of reflux can be organic or functional (or physiological). However, it is generally considered that when the mitral valve is slightly regurgitated and there is no problem with other examinations, treatment may not be necessary.

A variety of organic heart diseases may damage the valve's switch function, resulting in a situation where the door cannot be opened (valve stenosis) or the door is not closed tightly (valve incomplete closure, blood reflux occurs).

In clinical practice, the common causes of mitral insufficiency are rheumatic heart disease, and others such as congenital malformation of the valve and calcification of the mitral annulus.

It should be noted that any heart disease that causes enlargement of the left ventricle may lead to mitral regurgitation, such as coronary heart disease, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, hypertension heart disease, and mitral valve prolapse.

The most common cause of tricuspid regurgitation is mostly functional. Therefore, patients with mitral and tricuspid regurgitation should first rule out heart disease.

If it is serious, it is necessary to take medical measures to actively receive relevant treatment.

No need to stop the heart, no need to open the chest or cut the heart. A team of experts in Asia have successfully completed the "ultra-minimally invasive surgery on the beating heart", which also means that Asia’s independently developed mitral valve The device made a major breakthrough.

This is an Asian ValveClamp surgery, which was successfully completed. The operation time of this surgical catheter is only 15 minutes. 
After the operation, the patient's mitral regurgitation changed from severe to mild, and the extubation was awakened within half an hour after the operation.

Different from traditional surgical operations and current minimally invasive thoracic surgery, ValveClamp surgery does not require thoracotomy and incision of the heart, and does not require cardiac arrest.

 Only a 3 cm incision is made in the precardiac area, and the heart is punctured to send instruments for surgical operations. Therefore, this is called ultra-minimally invasive surgery done on a beating heart.

Patients should take countermeasures according to different situations, and actively cooperate with the treatment plan proposed by the doctor, usually pay more attention to exercise and prevention!

Author's Bio

Name: Gwynneth May

Educational Qualification: MBBS, M.D. (Medicine) Gold Medalist

Profession: Doctor

Experience: 16 Years of Work Experience as a Medical Practitioner

About Me


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