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Glutathione Uses n Side Effects

  Glutathione Uses and Side Effects   What is Glutathione? Glutathione is a substance made from the amino acids glycine, cysteine and glutamic acid. It is produced by your liver and involved in many body processes. Glutathione is involved in tissue building and repair, making chemicals and proteins needed in the body, and in immune system function. What are the Different Name of Glutathione? Gamma-Glutamylcysteinylglycine Gamma-L-Glutamyl-L-Cysteinylglycine Gamma-L-Glutamyl-L-Cystéinylglycine Glutathion, Glutatión L-Gamma-Glutamyl-L-Cysteinyl-Glycine   L-Gamma-Glutamyl-L-Cystéinyl-Glycine L-Glutathion L-Glutathione GSH N-(N-L-gamma-Glutamyl-L-cysteinyl)glycine       Why should I take Glutathione? There are few good uses of Glutathione. People take glutathione for aging, alcohol use disorder, liver disease, heart disease, and many other conditions, but there is no good scientific evidence to support these

Cholera Symptoms Treatment and Prevention

Symptoms Treatment Prevention of Cholera

Meaning of  Cholera: Most mothers know nothing about "cholera". What exactly is cholera? What are the symptoms of cholera? Some places will require a cholera vaccine. Is this voluntary or compulsory? Is it necessary for us to get cholera vaccine? The following section will answer these questions in detail for everyone and tell you how to treat and prevent cholera!

What is cholera?

I believe many mothers do not understand what "cholera" really is? In fact, cholera (cholera) is an acute diarrhea disease caused by Vibrio cholerae. 
It has the characteristics of rapid onset and rapid spread. It is mainly concentrated in Asia and Africa and is an international quarantine infectious disease.

Vibrio cholerae exists in water. The most common cause of infection is the consumption of water contaminated with the feces of patients. 
Vibrio cholerae can produce cholera toxin, causing secretory diarrhea, even if you no longer eat, it will continue to diarrhea. Washing water-like feces is a feature of cholera.

What are the symptoms of cholera?

The timing of symptoms of cholera is not fixed, some are only a few hours, some are a day or two, but some will last for 5 days. 

The onset of cholera is more acute, and patients generally start with acute diarrhea and vomiting. 
Diarrhea is mostly painless, and a small number of patients can cause abdominal pain due to rectus abdominis muscle spasm, without urgency. 

The stool of a typical patient starts as a muddy or dilute water sample, and there is still fecal matter, which quickly becomes a swill water sample. A few serious patients may have bloody stools.

If the volume of stool for the first time has exceeded 1500 ml, it means the condition is very serious. 
Vomiting usually occurs after severe diarrhea, but there are also vomiting and diarrhea at the same time or slightly before diarrhea. 

Nausea is rare or light. The vomit is first the contents of the stomach, then it can be a sample of rice swill or water. 
Vibrio Cholerae Bacteria may be Causing Cholera

Due to frequent diarrhea, vomiting, large amounts of water and electrolyte loss, the patient quickly suffered from dehydration and peripheral circulatory failure, irritability, thirst, hoarseness, tinnitus, increased breathing, indifferent or dull expression, depressed eyes, deep cheeks concave, dry lips, cold skin, loss of elasticity, wrinkled fingers and cyanosis, etc., muscle spasms, especially based on the gastrocnemius and rectus abdominis. 
The abdomen is sunken with a boat-shaped abdomen. 

The pulse is weak, the blood pressure drops, the urine volume decreases, and the body temperature drops. If not rescued in time, it is often life-threatening.


If you encounter a large area of ​​diarrhea, you should be isolated and treated in time. Diarrhea is not serious. 
People with a history of close contact with cholera patients or from the epidemic area within 1 week. 
Suspected dietary history, outing history, and floating population should be cultured for stool, and the diagnosis should be established or excluded based on bacterial culture.

In addition, cholera may also have complications such as renal failure, acute pulmonary edema, hypokalemia syndrome, arrhythmia, and miscarriage.

Is it necessary to get a cholera vaccine?

Many netizens do not know much about the cholera vaccine. For example, the netizen Nina Angel said: "I have not heard of the cholera vaccine!"

In fact, the vaccination of the cholera vaccine can reduce the incidence of cholera, reduce symptoms and reduce mortality rate. But is it necessary to fight?
Let's take a look at the statements of several mothers:

Whether or not to get a cholera vaccine is a matter for parents to decide. In addition to what some countries require to fight, others can follow the advice of parents. 
Generally speaking, whether or not to get a cholera vaccine depends on whether the local situation is serious. 
WHO has never recommended the use of injectable cholera vaccine because of its low protection efficiency and high incidence of serious adverse reactions.

In addition, the cholera vaccine will also have side effects. About 50% of vaccine recipients develop pain and inflammation at the site of injection, and 10% -30% produce systemic symptoms of fever and discomfort. 
These symptoms usually last for 1-3 days, although some individuals' symptoms are delayed and arm pain occurs between days 4 and 7. 
Therefore, parents who intend to inject cholera vaccine should make a detailed understanding with the authoritative hospital in advance to see if it is necessary for the child to fight!

Cholera Treatment and Care

If you accidentally get "cholera", is there any way to treat it? The answer is yes, patients can treat cholera with drugs and infusions.

Medical treatement:

If you vomit frequently, you can eat atropine.

If severe diarrhea, adrenal cortex hormones can be used as appropriate.

If muscle cramps, intravenous 10% calcium gluconate, hot compress, massage.

If the peripheral circulatory failure patients do not recover their blood pressure after a large number of fluid replacements to correct acidosis, metahydroxylamine or dopamine drugs can be used.

If uremia patients should strictly control the body intake, prohibit protein diet, strengthen oral and skin care, and if necessary, assist the doctor to do dialysis therapy.

Infusion therapy:

Under the guidance of a doctor, patients can be treated with infusion to treat cholera. 
According to the degree of dehydration, fluids should be quickly infused in the first 2 hours after admission to correct hypovolemic shock and acidosis. 
Light fluids should be 3000-4000ml, children 100-500ml per kilogram body weight, medium fluids 4000-8000ml, children 150kg body weight - 200ml, heavy rehydration 8000 - 12000ml, children 200 - 250ml / kg.
Bacteria with Cholera Representation

Pay attention to two points:
1. Specimen collection The fecal specimens collected from patients immediately after admission to the hospital are sent for routine examination and bacterial culture. Note that the specimens should be sent for inspection immediately after collection.

2. Observe the changes of the condition closely, measure the vital signs every 4 hours, accurately record the amount of entry and exit, and indicate the number and traits of the stool.

How to prevent cholera?

Cholera should be based on prevention. Pay more attention to diet, hygiene and exercise in daily life to effectively prevent the emergence of cholera.

I. Preventive work on diet

1. Do not drink raw water or spoiled food.

2. Do not eat raw seafood or seafood products.

Sea fish, shrimps and crabs, clams, razor clams and other seafood are delicious and nutritious, and are popular among people. However, in areas where cholera is endemic, shellfish and crustacean aquatic products in these places are not only easily contaminated by pathogens in vitro, but also shellfish will use bacteria as a food source and enrich the bacteria in the body. 
If eaten raw or half-life, it is easy for bacteria to enter the human body, causing illness.

3. The tableware and chopsticks used for meals should be boiled or disinfected, and the cabinets should be sterilized. Knifes, cutting boards, and rags should also be strictly disinfected.

4. Raw and cooked food should be stored separately.

5. No need to rinse your mouth or wash fruits and vegetables with dirty water.

6. Try not to hold dinners during peak season to prevent pathogens from spreading through food.

II. Hygiene prevention work

1. Wash hands before and after meals for hygine prevention.

2. Protect water sources and prohibit the discharge of sewage.

3. Do a good job in environmental hygiene and strengthen the management of garbage and feces.

4. The secondary water supply tank of high-rise buildings should be regularly disinfected and monitored.

5. Eliminate flies.

6. Drinking river or well water should be purified and disinfected with bleaching powder.

III. Sports

Actively exercise, can run, play, ride and other sports to improve disease resistance

Author's Bio

Name: Gwynneth May

Educational Qualification: MBBS, M.D. (Medicine) Gold Medalist

Profession: Doctor

Experience: 16 Years of Work Experience as a Medical Practitioner

About Me


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